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心动修复 第73节(1 / 2)


























第74章 破镜重圆


林清许被苏意突如其来的吻弄得有些懵。他眼眸微动, 回过神后,一只手搂住苏意的腰,另一只手将吹风机挂回原位。

苏意的睡衣单薄, 林清许一只手便揽住了苏意纤细的腰肢,放完吹风机, 另一只手放在腰肢另一侧, 两轻轻一提,将苏意放到了洗手台上,鼻尖相对, 呼吸轻吐。

“踮脚累, 坐着亲。”


洗手间的空气越来越热, 林清许吻得也越来越猛,让人招架不住。苏意往后仰,手撑着洗手台, 头快要靠上镜子。

“够了, 清许。”

“再多也没了,我真的被锁烦了,我没犯法没摄黄,合法情侣而已, 我又不宣传, 我真服了。富强民主文明和谐, 我们一起来学英语吧,嘻嘻, 审核大大别欺负一个三次元忙炸即将爆炸的小酒, 我真的谢。looklook pinglun, 3q.”


nightgown hem is wide, lin qing xu#039s hand is kissing kiss, can not resist, fondle waist and go up, along waist line, knead that one soft.


su yi was caught off guard by the hot hand to play, soft soft light hum did not control, overflow out.

lin qing xu#039skisshas not stopped, winding su yi soft tongue to die lingering, the body of two people also more stick more tight. su yi fe the heat of lin qing xu, which was different from the ambient air temperature, sticking closely to her and burning her.

lin...... su yi was plucked deep kiss ground some gasp for breath, she elongated neck back, long hair drop, slightly away from the kiss of lin qing xu, qing xu.

huh? lin qing xu kiss is deep, gently respond, the voice is tender and romantic, twittered response, how?

that#039s enough. su yi some unbearable, too much.

it#039s not enough, i want to kiss back in the past few years. lin qingxu moved up from the corner of su yi#039s lips again, kissing her white and tender cheeks, delicate and small nose, and watery apricot eyes.

how can not kiss enough, he said while kissing, feel the temperature of the hand, and gently smiled, the eyes straightforward and with a somewhat ambiguous look at su yi, also touch enough.

su yi blushed up, with neck and ears are red, with a scarlet.

lin qingxu! sue some embarrassed, voice jiaojiao softly, a pair of almond eyes and drive today, took a leng lin qing xu, but no damage at all. she did not know why, clearly high cold aspired lin qingxu, now like unlock a new attribute, half lift not lift the evil gas.

yi-yi, help me. lin qing xu held su yi#039s soft boneless hand, stroked it from the chest, and continued to walk down, encountering boiling hot.

help me, baby. lin qing xu#039s voice with dumb, low low heavy fall in su yi ear, followed by the sound of licking the earlobe, hot breathing invasion of su yi#039s ear.

she fe the heat on her hands, burning the palms of her hands. lin qingxu undid his trousers and took her hand in.

最新小说: 金陵春 投奔东莞嫂子,她却带我走上不归路! 无限分身:诸天都有我小号 爱豆收割机(nph) 桃运官途 家主承欢NPH 最强火力 白色血迹(nph 万人迷) 传奇岁月 让你直播讲名著,你说红楼是鬼书